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Official inauguration of the
Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm

Press Release from 2017-10-09

Energiekontor AG erects new wind farm

Bremen/Kreuzau, 9 October 2017 Last Friday, Bremen-based project developer Energiekontor AG celebrated the inauguration of the Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm in North Rhine-Westphalia. The ceremony was attended by local politicians and administrative officers such as Astrid Hohn, major Ingo Eßer and deputy major Adolf Breuer, Ms von Thum and Bernadette Weiler as well as numerous other invited guests and interested local citizens.

The construction and commissioning of the Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm was already successfully completed in August 2017. The farm consists of two GE 2.75-120 turbines with a hub height of 139 metres and total rated power of 5.5 megawatts. Each of the turbines has a total height of 199 metres and a rotor diameter of 120 metres. The Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm is one of the farms that are to be included in Energiekontor AG’s own portfolio in line with the Company’s growth strategy.

On 6 October 2017, a formal ceremony was held for the inauguration of the two turbines. Major Ingo Eßer expressed his belief that the region is making a significant contribution to the energy transition by operating the wind turbines and underlined the excellent cooperation during the construction of the wind farm. In his capacity as a member of the Executive Board of Energiekontor AG, Günter Eschen, in turn, thanked the local administration, the neighbours and all the parties involved for supporting the project.

The expected annual electricity output of the turbines amounts to more than 15,845 megawatt hours. This electricity volume could suffice to cover the annual need of about 4,100 four-person households (with an average need of 3,800 kilowatt hours per year).


About Energiekontor AG:

For the last 25 years, Energiekontor has stood for a sound approach to business and a wealth of experience in wind power. Formed in Bremerhaven in 1990, the Company was one of the pioneers in the industry and is now one of the leading German project developers. Its core business covers the planning, construction and operational management of wind farms in Germany and abroad, and was expanded to include solar power in 2010. Energiekontor also currently owns and operates 31 wind farms with a total rated power of around 238 megawatts.

In addition to its headquarters in Bremen, Energiekontor also maintains offices in Bremerhaven, Hagen im Bremischen, Aachen, Bernau (near Berlin) and Dortmund. The Company also has branch offices in England (Leeds), Scotland (Glasgow), Portugal (Lisbon) and the Netherlands (Nijmegen). The formation of additional branch offices in the US and France is currently in the pipeline. Our track record speaks for itself: 111 wind farms completed with around 600 turbines and a total rated power of just under 900 MW. This corresponds to an investment volume of more than EUR 1.4 billion.

Energiekontor went public on 25 May 2000. The shares of Energiekontor AG (WKN 531350/ISIN DE0005313506) are listed in the General Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and can be traded on all German stock exchanges.

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