Energiekontor’s vision is to generate all the energy we need from renewable resources. In order for this to become reality and for renewable energies to gradually and sustainably attain stronger market penetration, they have to be economically comparable with conventional energy production. This requires further developments concerning technology and efficiency.
As was the case when renewable energies were launched in the predominately fossil technological landscape of the early 1990s, Energiekontor is once again aware of its pioneering role and wants to realise the most efficient projects in the area of wind and solar in its industry, thus making a substantial contribution on the path to 100% renewable energy.
As a pioneer of renewable energy, Energiekontor is actively shaping the transition to 100 % renewables. Concentration on our core competences and innovation will drive our business to a successful future.
We encourage team spirit and collegiality as they are the key to our success.
The financial stability of our Company is the basis for sustainable growth and plays a key role in our long-term strategy.
We support a high level of individual responsibility and create room for autonomy at all levels as they are the precondition for creativity, flexibility and achieving our goals.
Our environmental policy forms the basis of our activities in environmental protection. We commit ourselves to the continuous improvement of our environmental performance in all our fields of activity with it and also see this as the daily task of each individual employee.
The commitment to comply with all relevant laws and regulations forms the basis for this. However, in order to continue to play a pioneering role in our industry, we want to go beyond this. Thus, a holistic view of relevant impacts on our environment is a given. For this reason, we have decided to introduce the EMAS environmental management system.
This commits us to avoid environmental impacts wherever possible and to continuously improve both our environmental performance and our environmental management system.
By actively involving our employees and encouraging them to act on their own responsibility and creativity, we want to enable them to identify strongly with Energiekontor AG. Not only because each and every one of them contributes to the fulfilment of our environmental goals and measures, but above all because the creativity of our employees also gives rise to the extraordinary ideas for continuous improvement.
The focus of our actions is climate change, which we have been combating since the company was founded. With our projects, we want to advance our vision of the energy transition to 100% renewable energy.
However, sustainability has many facets and climate protection is only one of them. A good relationship with our stakeholders is therefore particularly important to us, which is why we want to maintain an open dialogue with our partners, shareholders, authorities and the public on all environmentally relevant issues.
Equally important to us is sustainable corporate growth, as we have been doing since the Company was founded. This means financial stability and independence and thus secure jobs.
Bremen, 7 December 2021