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Press releases

26. March 2025

Energiekontor is awarded contracts for eight projects in the Federal Network Agency's February tender

Energiekontor has been awarded contracts for a total of eight wind projects with a total generation capacity of around 192 megawatts in the Federal Agency’s tender in February. The projects are expected to reach financial close in the next step.

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25. March 2025

Energiekontor puts Letschin solar park into operation and expands own park portfolio

Energiekontor has commissioned the recently completed Letschin solar park, thus expanding the portfolio of parks owned by the Group.

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12. March 2025

Energiekontor raises earnings forecast for 2024 financial year

In view of positive one-off effects that have materialised after the reporting date for the 2024 financial year, the Management Board of Energiekontor AG, a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks based in Bremen, is raising the forecast target range for Group earnings before taxes (EBT) for the 2024 financial year.

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31. January 2025

Energiekontor receives building permits for four wind park projects in Scotland and Germany

Energiekontor was granted building permits for four wind park projects with a total generation capacity of more than 220 megawatts in Scotland and Germany in January 2025, thus further expanding its UK project pipeline in particular.

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17. December 2024

Energiekontor and Olmatic cooperate strategically on battery storage system at Vogelsang solar park

Energiekontor and Olmatic, a leading green-tech company specialising in energy optimisation, are pleased to announce their collaboration on a battery storage system for the planned Vogelsang solar park in the district of Oberhavel in Brandenburg. The project marks a significant step in the integration of modern storage technologies designed to increase the efficiency and profitability of photovoltaic systems. The project will see both companies set new standards for a sustainable and economically viable energy transition.

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11. December 2024

Energiekontor sells project rights for Bergsoll-Frehne wind park project to UKA Group

Energiekontor AG and the Meissen-based UKA Group have signed a purchase agreement for the sale of the project rights to the Bergsoll-Frehne wind park project in Brandenburg, Germany.

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10. December 2024

Energiekontor issues sustainable corporate bond for renewable energy projects

Energiekontor is issuing a new, sustainable corporate bond with a target volume of 20 million euros, which can be subscribed by institutional and private investors until the end of January 2025. So far, 75 percent of the bond has been placed.

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04. December 2024

Energiekontor adjusts earnings forecast for financial year 2024 and confirms growth strategy 2023 to 2028

In view of the expectations for the remainder of the year and as a result of additional one-off effects, the Management Board of Energiekontor AG (“Energiekontor”), a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks based in Bremen, is reducing the forecast target range for Group earnings before taxes (EBT) for the 2024 financial year.

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14. November 2024

Energiekontor consequently drives forward 2023 to 2028 growth strategy and plans to sell several more projects by end of the year

Energiekontor recorded a planned operating performance in the first nine months of 2024 and successfully developed its project pipeline. Several projects are currently being marketed. The successful completion of the ongoing sales processes is decisive for the level of Group earnings in the 2024 financial year. The earnings range previously forecast for the 2024 financial year is still achievable from today's perspective, depending on sales success. The 2023 to 2028 growth strategy will continue to be pursued unchanged.

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13. November 2024

Energiekontor wins contracts for two solar park projects in French tender process

Energiekontor has successfully taken part in a French tender process and has been awarded a fixed energy price for two solar park projects in the Occitania region of south-east France.

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12. November 2024

Energiekontor puts Seukendorf solar park into operation and expands own park portfolio

Energiekontor has commissioned the Seukendorf solar park, which was completed a few days ago, thus expanding its steadily growing proprietary park portfolio.

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17. October 2024

Energiekontor puts Scottish Pines Burn wind park into operation

Energiekontor has successfully commissioned the Scottish Pines Burn wind park, which had been sold to Capital Dynamics in spring 2022, and will take over its operational management in future.

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30. September 2024

Four solar and wind projects launched – Energiekontor starts construction on 125 megawatts and expands its portfolio to more than 610 megawatts in the future

Energiekontor reached financial closing on three solar park projects and one wind project in September 2024, thus successfully bringing the projects to construction readiness. All four projects are to be incorporated into the company’s own portfolio once they are commissioned.

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24. September 2024

Energiekontor and Salzgitter Flachstahl conclude PPAs for two solar park projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Energiekontor and Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH have concluded their first long-term power supply contracts for two solar park projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. According to the plans, Energiekontor will add the two projects to its own portfolio after commissioning. The projects recently became ready for construction.

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23. August 2024

Energiekontor receives building permits for three wind park projects and expects construction to start on further projects

Energiekontor has received three building permits for wind park projects with a total generation volume of around 116 megawatts in Germany in August 2024. Construction work on additional projects will start shortly.

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12. August 2024

Performance on track in the first half of 2024

Energiekontor has expanded and further developed its project pipeline as planned in the first half of 2024. Significant contributions to earnings are expected to materialise going forward, especially in the 2025 and 2026 financial years. With the publication of its half-year figures for 2024, Energiekontor confirms both its guidance for the 2024 financial year and its growth strategy for 2023 to 2028.

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19. July 2024

Energiekontor receives building permits for four wind park projects in Germany and Scotland

Energiekontor has received further building permits for four wind park projects with a total generation volume of around 160 megawatts in Germany and Scotland during the summer months, and thus successfully expanded its project pipeline.

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30. May 2024

Energiekontor resolves share withdrawal

Based on the above authorisation of the Annual General Meeting of Energiekontor AG on 20 May 2020 to redeem treasury shares acquired in accordance with Section 71 (1) No. 8 AktG, the company’s share capital is reduced by 77,000.00 euros from 13,959,359.00 euros to 13,882,359.00 euros by redeeming 77,000 fully paid-up no-par value shares with a notional interest in the company’s share capital of 1.00 euro per share.

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29. May 2024

Annual General Meeting approves management proposals by large majority

Today’s Annual General Meeting of Energiekontor AG was held as an in-person event in Ritterhude near Bremen. The company’s shareholders approved the motions proposed by the Management Board and Supervisory Board by a large majority on all agenda items relevant to the vote. Around 73 percent of the registered share capital was represented.

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13. May 2024

Energiekontor strongly driving expansion of own portfolio – around one gigawatt of building permits offering further potential for future growth

Energiekontor has strongly driven the expansion and technological diversification of its own park portfolio in the first quarter of 2024. A large number of existing building permits provides additional potential for expansion and sale.

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30. April 2024

Green light for another repowering project in the district of Aachen – Energiekontor begins construction of the Würselen project

Energiekontor has reached the financial close stage of the Würselen repowering wind park project in the district of Aachen in North Rhine-Westphalia. The project, which is now ready for construction, will be included in the company's own portfolio upon commissioning.

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26. April 2024

Green light for repowering project in the district of Stade – Energiekontor begins construction and partial sale of the Oederquart project

Energiekontor has reached the financial close stage of the Oederquart repowering wind park project in the district of Stade in Lower Saxony. The project, which is now ready for construction, will be partly sold and partly included in the company’s own portfolio.

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28. March 2024

Successful project business delivers another record result in the 2023 financial year

Energiekontor closed the 2023 financial year successfully. Figures stood at the upper end of the forecast range, which was raised in December 2023.

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15. December 2023

Energiekontor sells Scottish wind park project and raises forecast for 2023 financial year

Energiekontor has sold a further Scottish wind park project to Capital Dynamics. As a result of its positive project business, the Bremen-based company is raising its forecast for the 2023 financial year.

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13. November 2023

Project pipeline expanded again in the first nine months of 2023 – guidance for 2023 confirmed

Energiekontor AG has published its interim statement for the third quarter or the first nine months of 2023, presenting a well-filled project pipeline and confirmed the overall guidance for financial year 2023.

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03. November 2023

Important note: Update on another broken rotor blade at Alfstedt-Ebersdorf wind park

Update on our statement from 27 October 2023

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27. October 2023

Important note: Another broken rotor blade at Alfstedt-Ebersdorf wind park

In the late evening of 26 October 2023, another rotor blade snapped off in the course of the work for the controlled fall of the still hanging components of the first damaged rotor blade on the same wind turbine. The wind turbine concerned was not in operation at the time of the incident. No personal injuries occurred. So far, no debris from the broken rotor blade has been scattered in the immediate surrounding area. The removal work on the fallen debris from the first incident, which has been ongoing since 19 October 2023, has been interrupted for safety reasons.

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20. October 2023

Important note: Update on broken rotor blade at Alfstedt-Ebersdorf wind park

Update on our statement from 16 October 2023

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16. October 2023

Important note: Broken rotor blade at Alfstedt-Ebersdorf wind park

In the night of 14 October to 15 October 2023, a rotor blade on a wind turbine at the Alfstedt-Ebersdorf wind park in Lower Saxony, Germany, initially snapped off and partially broke off. As a result, plastic parts and, among other things, finer fibres of the rotor blade were distributed to the immediate surroundings. No personal injuries occurred.

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10. October 2023

Energiekontor submits successful bid in British tender process for five Scottish wind park projects

Energiekontor AG (“Energiekontor”), a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks listed in the General Standard, has successfully taken part in a British tender process. The Bremen-based company has secured a fixed electricity price for five Scottish wind park projects.

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18. September 2023

Energiekontor is now a member of the TecDAX

Energiekontor AG ("Energiekontor"), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar parks based in Bremen and listed in the General Standard, is officially listed in the TecDAX as of today. Energiekontor is thus simultaneously represented in the SDAX and TecDAX.

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11. August 2023

Energiekontor continues growth course in the first half of FY2023

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar parks, continued its growth course in the first half of 2023. The Company was able to strongly increase its key financial figures in the first six months of the 2023 financial year despite an overall challenging market environment. Earnings from ordinary activities (EBT) more than doubled to €27.8 million (6M 2022: €12.2 million) compared to the same period last year. Consolidated net earnings reached almost €21.0 million in the first half of 2023 (6M 2022: €8.5 million). As a result, earnings per share increased to €1.50 (6M 2022: €0.61).

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11. July 2023

Energiekontor AG: Successful go-ahead for the realisation of the largest solar park project in the Company's history

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506) has successfully reached financial close on the Letschin solar park project, marking the go-ahead for the realisation of the park, which will be the largest solar park project in the Company's history to date.

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19. May 2023

Energiekontor AG: Annual General Meeting on May 17, 2023 – all items on the agenda were approved by a large majority

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar parks, held its 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) in digital form on Wednesday May 17, 2023. All items on the agenda, for which a resolution by the Annual General Meeting was required, were approved by a large majority.

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17. May 2023

Energiekontor redeems treasury shares

The Executive Board of the SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar parks, has - with the approval of the Supervisory Board on the same day - decided to reduce the Company's share capital by € 27,541.00 from € 13,986,900.00 to € 13,959,359.00 by the redemption of 27,541 shares.

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31. March 2023

Energiekontor impresses with strong increase in earnings in the 2022 financial year - Record result of the previous year exceeded

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar parks, has closed the 2022 financial year extremely successfully despite a challenging market environment. Earnings before taxes (EBT) rose significantly year-on-year to €62.9 million (2021: €44.9 million). Group earnings reached €44.5 million (2021: €36.2 million) and was thus almost 23 percent above earnings of the previous year.

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08. February 2023

Successful cooperation continued - Energiekontor sells wind farm in North Rhine-Westphalia with a generation capacity of 11.2 MW after a repowering to ENCAVIS

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, is continuing its successful cooperation with MDAX-listed Encavis AG and has sold another wind farm project in North Rhine-Westphalia with a generation capacity of around 11.2 MW to the Hamburg-based wind and solar farm operator.

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16. January 2023

Energiekontor AG sells solar park with a generation capacity of some 19 MWp in Brandenburg to CEE Group

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, has successfully sold a solar park project with a generation capacity of some 19 MWp to the CEE Group, a Hamburg-based asset manager specializing in investments in renewable energies.

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30. December 2022

Successful year-end rally – Energiekontor sells onshore wind farm in Lower Saxony with a total generation capacity of 10.6 MW to Danish investor Difko

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, has sold a further wind park with a total generation capacity of 10,6 MW to to the Danish investment company Difko that is specialized in sustainable investments.

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13. December 2022

Energiekontor receives positive notice for a further and thus fourth solar park project in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - the total generation capacity of all four projects from the planning deviation procedure thus increases to about 175 MWp

SDAX-listed Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, has received a positive notice via a so-called Planning Deviation Procedure for another and, hence, fourth solar farm project in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This brings the total generation capacity of all four projects of Energiekontor in the region to around 175 MWp.

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17. October 2022

Energiekontor receives approval for three solar park projects in German Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a total generation capacity of almost 130 MWp

SDAX-listed and Bremen-based Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506) receives approval for three solar park projects in German Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a total generation capacity of almost 130 MWp.

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11. October 2022

Energiekontor sells Niederzier-Steinstraß wind farm to Stadtwerke Heidenheim AG-Group

SDAX-listed and Bremen-based Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506) has sold the "Niederzier-Steinstraß" wind farm in North Rhine-Westphalia with a total generation capacity of around 8.25 MW to the Stadtwerke Heidenheim AG-Group.

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27. September 2022

STIFEL Bank initiates coverage of Energiekontor share with a price target of EUR 126

As of today, STIFEL Bank Europe has initiated coverage of the SDAX-listed and Bremen-based Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506) with a price target of EUR 126 and a "buy"- recommendation. Thus, Energiekontor is now covered by a total of five banks/analyst institutes.

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21. September 2022

Energiekontor AG and BASF joint Program to increase the efficiency of wind turbines

SDAX-listed and Bremen-based Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506) and BASF agree on a program to increase the efficiency of wind turbines.

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06. September 2022

Energiekontor goes SDAX

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard) will be uplifted to the SDAX. This was decided by Deutsche Börse in its regular review of the small-cap index on September 5, 2022.

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05. September 2022

Energiekontor AG - Wind power plant project in the federal state of Bremen successfully sold

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, has sold the "Bultensee" wind power plant project in the German state of Bremen with a total generation capacity of around 3.6 MW to Austrian oekostrom AG.

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23. August 2022

Together for the energy transition - Bremen-based Energiekontor AG sells wind farm project with a total generation capacity of 11.4 MW to Hamburg-based MPC Capital AG

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard), one of Germany's leading project developers and operators of wind and solar farms, has sold the "Heringen-Philippsthal" wind farm project in the German state of Hesse with a total generation capacity of around 11.4 MW to Hamburg-based MPC Capital AG.

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12. August 2022

Energiekontor remains on growth course in H1 FY2022 within and despite a challenging market environment

Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard) remained on course for growth in the first half of 2022 despite numerous challenges in the market environment.

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20. May 2022

Energiekontor AG: Annual General Meeting 2022 – Management Board explains record result for the 2021 financial year and presents positive growth outlook

Bremen, May 20, 2022 – Yesterday, on May 19, 2022, Energiekontor AG held its 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) in digital form. At the AGM, the CEO of Energiekontor AG, Peter Szabo, explained the very successful financial year 2021 and gave a positive growth outlook for the upcoming years.

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19. May 2022

Energiekontor redeems traesury shares

Bremen, May 19, 2022 – Energiekontor (ISIN DE0005313506), a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks, will redeem 137,738 treasury shares on the basis of the resolution of the annual general meeting of Energiekontor AG from May 20, 2020.

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18. May 2022

Energiekontor sells wind farm project Vettweiss-Müddersheim to a Danish investor

Bremen/Herning (Denmark), May 18, 2022 – Energiekontor (ISIN DE0005313506), a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks, sold a further wind park project to the Danish investment company Difko that is specialised in sustainable investments.

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05. April 2022

Energiekontor sells a further wind farm project in Scotland with about 35 MW to Capital Dynamics

Bremen/London 5 April 2022 - Energiekontor (ISIN DE0005313506), a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks, sold a further wind park project in Scotland to Capital Dynamics, an independent global private asset management firm. Pines Burn is a 34 MW shovel-ready, subsidy-free onshore wind project located in the Scottish Borders.

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31. March 2022

Energiekontor AG reports a record FY21 result

In the 2021 financial year, Energiekontor (ISIN DE0005313506, General Standard) achieved the best result in the company's thirty-year history. Sales increased significantly and EBT (earnings before taxes) as well as Group earnings reached a record result.

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09. February 2022

Energiekontor for the first time concludes long-term PPAs with a German corporate off-taker for two solar park projects in Brandenburg

Energiekontor, a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks, has for the first time concluded long-term PPAs with a German corporate off-taker for two subsidy-free solar park projects in Brandenburg.

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27. December 2021

Energiekontor sells wind park in Lower Saxony to Austrian power utility company

Energiekontor, a leading German project developer and operator of wind and solar parks has sold the wind park “Völkersen” to an Austrian power utility company.

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16. August 2021

Energiekontor sells wind turbine in Elstorf

Bremen/Herning, Denmark, 16 August 2021 - Energiekontor AG announces the sale of a wind turbine planned for the south-west of Hamburg in Lower Saxony. The buyer of the wind turbine is Difko, a Danish investment company from Herning, specialising in sustainable investments.

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08. July 2021

Energiekontor sells wind turbine in Jülich East to CEE Group

Bremen/Hamburg, 8 July 2021 - Energiekontor AG announces the sale of a second wind turbine in Jülich East, located north-west of the Garzweiler open-cast mine in North Rhine-Westphalia. The sale of the first of the two identical turbines at the same location was announced about a month ago. As with the sale of the Jülich-Barmen-Merzenhausen wind farm announced a week ago, the buyer of the second wind turbine is the CEE Group, a Hamburg-based asset manager specialising in investments in renewable energies.

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31. May 2021

Publication of insider information pursuant to Article 17 MAR

Bremen, 21 May 2021 - The Management Board of Energiekontor AG today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to buy back shares once again. In detail, the following resolutions have been passed:

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20. April 2021

Energiekontor sells Theilenhofen solar park to 7C Solarparken

Bremen, 20 April 2021 - Energiekontor AG has sold the Theilenhofen solar park with a total output of around 9.2 MW to 7C Solarparken AG. The solar park will be built at the Theilenhofen-Ost site in the Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district of Central Franconia, around 40 km south of Nuremberg, and will go into operation in the fourth quarter of the current year. The Theilenhofen solar park had successfully participated in the EEG tender of 1 April 2020 and thus secured the relatively attractive remuneration of the tender date at that time. In the future, it is expected to generate an average of almost 10 million kilowatt hours per year. This amount of electricity is enough to cover the needs of approximately 3,500 German households.

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10. November 2020

Energiekontor sells Höttingen solar park to 7C Solarparken

Bremen, 30 December 2020. Energiekontor AG has sold the Höttingen solar park with a total output of around 8.3 MW to 7C Solarparken AG. The solar park is located in the municipality of the same name in the Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district of Central Franconia, around 40 km south of Nuremberg, and was commissioned on 18 December 2020. The Höttingen solar park had successfully participated in the EEG tender of 1.12.2019 and thus secured the relatively attractive remuneration of the tender date at that time. In the future, it is expected to generate an average of around 9.1 million kilowatt hours per year. This amount of electricity is mathematically sufficient to cover the needs of approximately 3,000 German households.

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10. November 2020

Energiekontor sells Heinsberg wind farm

Bremen, 10 November 2020. Energiekontor AG announces the sale of the Heinsberg wind farm in the district of the same name in North Rhine-Westphalia. It was acquired by Commerz Real, a subsidiary of Commerzbank AG, for the recently launched Klimavest fund. Only recently, the asset manager for real asset investments had acquired the Beckum wind farm from Energiekontor; a repowering project with two wind turbines.

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10. November 2020

Energiekontor concludes power purchase agreements (PPAs) for existing wind farms

Bremen, 13 January 2021 Energiekontor provides operational management services for wind farms and solar parks with a nominal output of more than 1 GW. Of these, wind farms with around 270 MW are operated in the company's own portfolio. For some of these wind farms, the term of the fixed 20-year remuneration under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) ended on 31 December 2020. Energiekontor has been preparing for this situation for many years with a large number of efficiency- and lifetime-increasing measures, so that these wind farms can be operated economically for several more years. In future, the electricity generated will be remunerated on the basis of bilateral power purchase agreements (PPAs) concluded with energy supply companies or other industrial customers.

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10. November 2020

Energiekontor concludes power purchase agreements (PPAs) for existing wind farms

Bremen, 13 January 2021 Energiekontor provides operational management services for wind farms and solar parks with a nominal output of more than 1 GW. Of these, wind farms with around 270 MW are operated in the company's own portfolio. For some of these wind farms, the term of the fixed 20-year remuneration under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) ended on 31 December 2020. Energiekontor has been preparing for this situation for many years with a large number of efficiency- and lifetime-increasing measures, so that these wind farms can be operated economically for several more years. In future, the electricity generated will be remunerated on the basis of bilateral power purchase agreements (PPAs) concluded with energy supply companies or other industrial customers.

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10. November 2020

EnBW and Energiekontor conclude another long-term power purchase agreement for a large solar park

Bremen/Karlsruhe 10 February 2021: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG and Energiekontor AG have again concluded a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for a solar park planned by Energiekontor. The solar park, which Energiekontor is planning to build in the municipality of Dettmannsdorf in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, east of Rostock, is to produce around 55.5 gigawatt hours of electricity per year with an installed capacity of approximately 52.3 megawatts. This is enough to cover the annual electricity needs of around 18,500 households. Construction is scheduled to begin in autumn 2021. Commissioning is scheduled for the second quarter of 2022.

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10. November 2020

Energiekontor with strong annual result in 2020

Bremen, 31 March 2021 - Energiekontor looks back on a very successful 2020 financial year in operational terms. All of the Group's key figures increased significantly. Sales rose to around EUR 135.1 million (2019: € 63.7 million), earnings before taxes (EBT) to around EUR 31.3 million (2019: EUR 0.8 million) and Group earnings to EUR 20.4 million (2019: EUR 0.2 million).

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10. November 2020

Capital Dynamics acquires 50 MW Longhill Wind Project from Energiekontor

Bremen/London, 2 March 2021 Energiekontor and Capital Dynamics, an independent global private asset management firm, today announced the acquisition of a 100 percent equity stake in the Longhill onshore wind project from Energiekontor AG. The Longhill wind farm project will consist of eight of the most modern Siemens Gamesa wind turbines with a capacity of 6.25 MW each, totalling 50 MW. The project located in West Lothian, Scotland is expected to be one of the largest subsidy-free onshore wind projects in the United Kingdom once operational. It is estimated to reduce greenhouse emissions by over 2.6 million metric tons during its lifetime – the equivalent of emissions produced by over 550,000 passenger vehicles driven for a year or the electricity to power over 440,000 homes for a year.

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09. November 2020

Energiekontor sells Boddin wind farm

Bremen, 9 November 2020. Energiekontor AG announces the sale of the Boddin wind farm. This wind farm is a single-unit project of the Nordex N149 type with a capacity of 4.2 MW. The project was awarded a contract at 6.20 ct/kWh in the tender on 1 October 2019.

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05. May 2020

ENGIE and Energiekontor conclude 15-year PPA for solar park in Germany

With its first long-term power purchase agreement for solar energy in Germany, ENGIE has shown itself to be a reliable partner in the expansion of renewable energies. ENGIE and Energiekontor AG have concluded a power purchase agreement (PPA) for a solar park in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The plant, with an installed capacity of 41.5 MW, is to go into operation in 2021 and produce around 45,600 megawatt hours of solar electricity per year. This corresponds to the supply of about 15,000 German households.

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15. July 2019

Energiekontor AG achieves half-year result at previous year's level

Bremen, August 30, 2019: Energiekontor AG closed the first half of 2019 at group level with sales of € 36.3 million (previous year € 32.9 million) and a total operating performance of € 44.3 million (previous year € 58.7 million). Group EBIT of € 11.2 million (previous year € 12.4 million) was slightly below the level of the previous year, the result from ordinary activities (EBT) of € 4.7 million (previous year € 4.7 million) was just a touch higher. Earnings per share in the first half of 2019 amounted to € 0.23, as in the same period of the previous year.

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15. July 2019

Energiekontor makes a donation of € 3,000 to the booster club of the Children's Association in Eydelstedt

Bremen, June 14, 2019 Kerstin Klement and Peter Alex from Energiekontor AG were guests at the planned new building of the family and education centre in Eydelstedt. The Bremen wind and solar park project developer has supported the booster club of the Children's Association in Eydelstedt in the Diepholz district with a donation of € 3,000. This donation will be used to equip the new nursery in the Family and Education Centre in Eydelstedt and the school with sports and play equipment.

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15. July 2019

Energiekontor sells Waldfeucht wind farm

Bremen, 1st October 2019 - Energiekontor AG has sold the Waldfeucht wind farm to the Hamburg-based CEE Group. The Waldfeucht wind farm is located in North Rhine-Westphalia west of Heinsberg not far from the border with the Netherlands. There, three Nordex wind turbines with a hub height of 125 m and a capacity of 4.5 MW each will generate an expected annual yield of around 35 million kilowatt hours. This amount of electricity is mathematically sufficient to cover the needs of more than 8,500 households.

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14. May 2019

innogy and Energiekontor sign power purchase agreement for PV plant

Bremen/Dortmund, May 14, 2019. Energiekontor AG and innogy SE have concluded a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a solar park planned by Energiekontor.

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10. April 2019

Energiekontor AG with positive annual result

Bremen, April 10, 2019: As early predicted, the 2018 financial year proved to be a difficult transitional year for Energiekontor AG and the entire wind industry. The consolidated earnings for 2018 was in line with expectations, taking into account the increased number of Group-owned wind and solar parks. Consolidated earnings before taxes (EBT) amounted to € 9.6 million (previous year: € 16.7 million), consolidated earnings for the year amounted to € 6.7 million (previous year: € 11.9 million). Group sales of € 110.2 million in the year under review were well below the previous year (€ 149.9 million). This is mainly due to the reduced project implementations in the "Project Planning and Sales (Wind, Solar)" segment, which decreased by € 44.0 million to € 53.4 million, while revenues in the "Business Development, Innovation and Other" segment remained constant at € 3.7 million and revenues in the "Power Generation in Group-owned Wind and Solar Parks" segment increased by € 4.3 million to € 53.4 million.

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04. March 2019

Metzler Capital Markets publishes initial study on Energiekontor AG

Bremen, March 4, 2019 - Metzler Capital Markets today commenced coverage of Energiekontor AG. In his extensive initial study, analyst Guido Hoymann recommends buying the Energiekontor share with a price target of € 22.20 and a price potential of around 45 percent.

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14. February 2019

EnBW and Energiekontor sign first long-term Power Purchase Agreement for subsidy-free solar park

Bremen/Karlsruhe February 14, 2019. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG and Energiekontor AG have signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for a solar park planned by Energiekontor. The planned solar park east of Rostock is to be built and operated by Energiekontor and will have an installed capacity of some 85 megawatts for an output of around 88 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year. That is enough to supply some 25,000 households with electricity all year round.

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14. February 2019

ING grants first €STR loan worldwide

Frankfurt am Main/Bremen, 24 April 2020 - ING Wholesale Banking has, for the first time worldwide, concluded a loan for the financing of a wind farm on the basis of the new €STR reference interest rate. ING has provided Energiekontor AG with a 19-year loan which is not based on Euribor (Euro InterBank Offered Rate), but calculates the interest rate using the new reference interest rate of the European Central Bank, the Euro Short Term Rate (€STR). "Due to the long duration of the transaction, we decided to choose a reliable and above all permanent reference for our project. We are pleased that with the €STR as a basis, we are also taking an innovative approach to financing," says Günter Eschen, Member of the Board of Energiekontor AG, explaining the decision. Olaf Beyme, Head of Renewables&Power at ING adds: "The fact that we were able to use €STR as a basis for financing the wind farm for the first time is a milestone for us and underpins our goal of being able to offer our corporate customers future-proof loan options.

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21. December 2018

Energiekontor AG: Hammelwarder Moor wind farm sold, construction of the Bultensee turbine initiated and New Rides wind farm in England commissioned

Bremen, 21 December 2018. Energiekontor AG closes the 2018 financial year as planned. Shortly before the end of the year, the Hammelwarder Moor wind farm (10.2 MW) in the Brake district was sold to Terravent Deutschland GmbH based in Constance, which made an important contribution to the expected net income for 2018.

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08. November 2018

Energiekontor sells Bremen-Hemelingen wind farm

Bremen, 8 November 2018. Energiekontor AG has sold the Bremen-Hemelingen wind farm to a Luxembourg investment firm that invests on behalf of several German insurance companies and pension funds.

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16. October 2018

Energiekontor celebrates the inauguration of the Hammelwarder Moor wind farm – sufficient electricity for the local community

Bremen, 16 October 2018 Following inaugurations in Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia, Energiekontor AG celebrated the inauguration of a wind farm at Hammelwarder Moor near Brake (Unterweser) in the key region of Lower Saxony last Friday. The wind farm consists of three 176 metre tall Senvion 3.4M114 turbines, the last of which went into operation in February 2018. With total rated power of 10.2 MW, the expected annual output amounts to approximately 26 million kWh, which would more than cover the needs of 7,000 households.

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26. September 2018

Energiekontor celebrates the inauguration of three wind farms in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg

Bremen, 26 September 2018. In the past two weeks, Energiekontor AG has celebrated the inauguration of three wind farms. In North Rhine-Westphalia this refers to the Heinsberg-Waldenrath (7.3 MW) and Niederzier-Steinstraß (8.3 MW) wind farms, which became part of the Company’s own portfolio at the end of 2017. The celebrations in Brandenburg took place at the Luckow-Petershagen wind farm (13.75 MW), where four 2.75 MW turbines had already been put into operation at the end of 2015. The fifth turbine was completed at the end of 2017.

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14. September 2018

Energiekontor and Senvion agree on joint realisation of several wind farms

Bremen, 14 September 2018. Energiekontor AG has signed contracts yesterday with turbine manufacturer Senvion for the supply of turbines for several wind farms in Germany. An English wind farm is also being equipped with Senvion turbines. The first wind farms are to be commissioned in 2019. Following the contract that was signed on Wednesday of this week, this is Energiekontor’s second agreement for package deliveries of wind turbines.

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13. September 2018

Energiekontor concludes agreement with the Nordex Group on the supply of wind turbines with a generation capacity of more than 300 MW

Bremen, 13 September 2018. Bremen-based Energiekontor AG signed a contract with the wind turbine manufacturer Nordex Group yesterday for the supply of the latest generation of turbines with total rated power of more than 300 MW. The turbines are to be installed successively in projects in Germany. The first joint projects are scheduled to be commissioned in 2019.

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29. August 2018

Energiekontor is granted the planning permission for its first onshore wind project in Scotland

Bremen, 29 August 2018. The Bremen-based Energiekontor AG has obtained the first planning permission for a major wind project in Scotland, thus reaching an important milestone in the realisation of its project pipeline. The permission was granted for 12 wind turbines with total heights of between 130 and 150 metres. The planned wind farm has a capacity of up to 48 MW and is scheduled for construction in 2019.

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02. August 2018

Energiekontor, swb and cambio CarSharing support e-mobility

Bremen, 2 August 2018: Collaboration between the energy provider swb, carsharing company cambio Bremen and Energiekontor AG expands e-mobility services in Bremen Technology Park on the doorstep of the University of Bremen. In cooperation with Bremen-based energy supplier swb, an EV charging point with two charging stations and a capacity of 22 kW at 32 A and 400 V was installed and put into operation at the Group headquarters in Mary-Somerville-Str. 5.

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26. July 2018

The first winner of “Energiekontor goes E-Mobility” has been drawn

Bremen, 26 July 2018. Energiekontor AG wants to thank landowners who have concluded option agreements, thus supporting the company’s vision to cover the entire energy demand with renewable energy sources and to do so the company has organised a prize draw with three different deadlines, i.e. 25 June 2018, 24 September 2018 and 31 December 2018.

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12. June 2018

Great weather at the inauguration ceremony for Energiekontor AG’s first own solar park in Garzau-Garzin

Bremen, 12 June 2018. Last Friday, Energiekontor AG celebrated the official inauguration of its first group-owned solar park in Garzau-Garzin, Brandenburg, in bright sunshine. In addition to representatives of the partner companies and banks, guests included representatives of the local authorities and municipality, property owners as well as members of the local communities.

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23. May 2018


Bremen, 23 May 2018. Today, Energiekontor AG held its Annual General Meeting in Ritterhude near Bremen. It was attended by about 120 invited shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests. In his presentation, the CEO of Energiekontor AG, Peter Szabo, reported on the current market conditions, the past 2017 financial year and the Company’s first successes in its new markets. He also described how Energiekontor AG sets itself apart from other market players in its pioneering role in the industry.

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18. May 2018

Energiekontor realises Withernwick II – the first wind project without state subsidies in the UK

Bremen, 18 May 2018. After signing a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with a global company in the consumer goods industry, Energiekontor has achieved the financial close for the English wind farm project, Withernwick II. The economic viability of this project is based solely on the conclusion of this PPA. As far as the Company is aware, Withernwick II is thus the first wind farm project in the UK to be realised without state subsidies.

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18. April 2018

Energiekontor adds first solar park to Group portfolio

Bremen, 18 April 2018. By connecting the Garzau-Garzin solar park to the grid, Energiekontor AG has now completed the construction of the project commenced at the end of 2017. The solar park with more than 35,000 polycrystalline photovoltaic (PV) modules and total rated power of about 10 MWp is located in the district of Märkisch Oderland in the eastern part of the German federal state of Brandenburg. The expected annual output of more than 10 million kWh would suffice in theory to supply more than 3,000 households with electricity. Since the PV project had already been awarded in the auction round in April 2016, the electricity from the park will be remunerated at an attractive feed-in tariff under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) for a period of 20 years. Garzau-Garzin is the first solar park to be transferred to Energiekontor AG’s own portfolio.

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12. April 2018

Bremen-based wind power pioneer publishes annual financial statements for 2017

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16. February 2018

Construction start for the wind farm Bremen-Hemelingen following successful year-end completion of all projects planned for 2017

Bremen, 16 February 2018. Energiekontor AG has completed the construction of Hammelwarder Moor wind farm (10.2 MW) and has begun construction of the Bremen-Hemelingen wind farm (12.8 MW) as well as the single turbine Debstedt II (4.5 MW). At the end of December 2017, the Company achieved commissioning as planned of two wind farms that have been sold to an investor, Odisheim (10.2 MW) in Lower Saxony und Hürth-Barbarahof (5.0 MW) in North Rhine-Westphalia. Almost all of the projects that were planned for the 2017 financial year were completed by the end of the year. Only the commissioning of the third turbine at Hammelwarder Moor wind farm (10.2 MW), which will remain in the Group-owned portfolio, was delayed into the new year.

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22. November 2017

Energiekontor reaches finals for prestigious award

Bremen, 22 November 2017. Last Friday in Berlin, Energiekontor AG was celebrated as one of 29 finalists selected from several hundred applications for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 award. The Company was represented by its CEO Peter Szabo and the Company founders Dr Bodo Wilkens and Günter Lammers. The competition, which is sponsored by the auditing and consultancy company EY (formerly Ernst & Young) for the 21st time, distinguishes the best owner-managed medium-sized businesses in Germany.

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23. October 2017

Energiekontor signs agreement on the sale of the Odisheim wind farm in Lower Saxony

Bremen, 23 October 2017. With the signing of the sales agreement for the Odisheim wind farm, Energiekontor AG has sold another wind farm to SDAX-listed, Hamburg-based solar park and wind farm operator Capital Stage. The Odisheim wind farm, which is located close to the Elbe estuary in the district of Cuxhaven, consists of three structurally identical wind turbine systems with total rated power of 10.2 MW. Each of the turbines has a hub height of 119 metres and a rotor diameter of 114 metres. Construction of this wind farm is to be completed before the end of the current year.

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23. May 2017

Annual General Meeting of Energiekontor AG

Bremen, 23 May 2017. Today, Energiekontor AG held its Annual General Meeting in Ritterhude near Bremen. It was attended by about 120 invited shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests. Peter Szabo, the CEO of Energiekontor AG, held a presentation on the Company’s current business performance, also explaining the strategic positioning of Energiekontor AG in a changed market environment.

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30. December 2016

Energiekontor commissions three repowering projects before the end of the year as planned

By completing all projects foreseen for the current year, the Bremen-based project developer secures the forecast annual results 2016 Bremen, 30 December 2016. With the wind farms Debstedt (13.5 MW) and Breitendeich (6.4 MW) in Lower Saxony as well as Grevenbroich (7.5 MW) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Energiekontor AG has commissioned all repowering projects as planned for this year. In the first half of the year, the wind farm Hürth (8.55 MW) near Cologne was completed, followed in late summer by the solar park Nadrensee (ca. 10 MWp) located in the southeast of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. The last project built and sold this year, the wind farm Klein Woltersdorf (2.4 MW) in Brandenburg, is to be connected to the grid in spring 2017.

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16. December 2016

Energiekontor sells English Gayton le Marsh wind farm – Proceeds are to be used to pay back loans

Bremen, 16 December 2016. Energiekontor AG has sold the Gayton le Marsh wind farm (16.4 MW) to a British investor, thus taking an important step towards achieving the forecast annual target for 2016. The wind farm is located about ten kilometres from the east coast of England in the county of Lincolnshire. The site consists of eight wind turbines with 2.05 MW each that were fully commissioned at the beginning of 2016. The proceeds from the sale are to be used to prematurely repay existing loans for Group-owned wind farms.

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19. September 2016

Energiekontor AG: following private placement of share packages of the founders Günter Lammers and Dr Bodo Wilkens, free float increases to 42.9 percent

Bremen, 19 September 2016. Günter Lammers and Dr Bodo Wilkens, the two founders and shareholders of Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), each sold about 7.0 percent of the Energiekontor AG shares to several institutional investors via private placement. The transaction increases the percentage of Energiekontor AG’s free float to 42.9 percent. The two Company founders each hold on to about 28.6 percent (corresponding to a total of 57.1 percent) of the Company’s shares and thus continue to be anchor shareholders of Energiekontor AG. The composition of the Supervisory Board remains unchanged.

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01. September 2016

Energiekontor AG: Sale and commissioning of Nadrensee solar park

Bremen, 1 September 2016. Energiekontor AG has sold the Nadrensee solar park to the public utilities company Stadtwerke Tübingen. The solar park went into operations and was connected to the grid only a few days after the agreements were signed. The project was bought in the first auction round for solar plants in Germany in April 2015.

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31. August 2016

Energiekontor AG presents sound results for first half of the year

Bremen, 31 August 2016. Energiekontor AG closed the first half of 2016 with group revenue of EUR 43.3 million (previous year EUR 30.2 million) and total output of EUR 55.6 million (previous year: EUR 67.6 million). Group EBIT was 14.2 million in the first half of 2016 (previous year: EUR 12.3 million) and income from ordinary activities (EBT) came in at EUR 4.8 million (previous year: EUR 2.5 million). Earnings per share in the first six months of the current financial year amounted to EUR 0.23 (previous year: EUR 0.12).

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10. August 2016

With the Grevenbroich repowering project, Energiekontor chalks up another wind farm sale in North Rhine-Westphalia

Bremen, 10 August 2016. Barely a month after signing the contract for the Breitendeich project, Energiekontor AG is to sell its third repowering project at Grevenbroich to Capital Stage AG, thereby underlining its successful cooperation with the SDAX-listed solar park and wind farm operator based in Hamburg.

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01. January 1970

Torben Möller appointed as Energiekontor AG’s third member of the Board

Today, the Supervisory Board of Energiekontor AG appointed Torben Möller as the third member of the Management Board. Mr Möller initially set up the Repowering division efficiently as head of department. For more than a year, he has also successfully handled the coordination of innovation and competitive measures and the introduction of an agile project management system. Due to his achievements, he became the managing director of several subsidiaries of Energiekontor AG last year.

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01. January 1970

Official inauguration of the Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm

Last Friday, Bremen-based project developer Energiekontor AG celebrated the inauguration of the Kreuzau-Steinkaul wind farm in North Rhine-Westphalia. The ceremony was attended by local politicians and administrative officers such as Astrid Hohn, major Ingo Eßer and deputy major Adolf Breuer, Ms von Thum and Bernadette Weiler as well as numerous other invited guests and interested local citizens.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor sells three solar parks

Bremen, 14 May 2020. Energiekontor AG has sold a total of three solar parks to the Tübingen municipal utility (swt) with a total output of 13.3 MW. Two of the solar parks are located in Bavaria (Gefrees and Absberg) and one in Brandenburg (Karstädt). swt had already acquired the Nadrensee solar park (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) from Energiekontor AG in 2016.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor AG back on course for growth

Bremen, August 28, 2020. Energiekontor AG is continuing its growth course within the Group and increased sales and earnings in the first half of 2020. The restrictions introduced to combat the COVID 19 pandemic only had a minor impact on business. In contrast to this, there have been a number of positive changes in the framework conditions, with the result that the Management Board continues to anticipate a pleasing financial year and confirms its earnings forecast for the 2020 financial year.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor sells Beckum wind farm

Bremen, 28 September 2020. Energiekontor AG announces the sale of the Beckum wind farm. This wind farm is a repowering project with two wind turbines of 4.5 MWp each, a total of 9.0 MWp.

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01. January 1970

Capital Dynamics acquires 13 MW Sorbie Wind Project from Energiekontor

Bremen/London, 15 April 2021 Energiekontor and Capital Dynamics, an independent global private asset management firm, today announced the acquisition of a 100 percent equity stake in the Sorbie onshore wind project from Energiekontor AG. Sorbie, a 13 MW shovel-ready, subsidy-free onshore wind project located in North Ayrshire, Scotland, represents Capital Dynamics’ second acquisition of 2021 from Energiekontor and follows the 50 MW Longhill wind farm transaction in March.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor decides to cancel shares

Bremen, 6 May 2021 – By resolution of the ordinary general meetings of Energiekontor AG on 21 May 2015, the Executive Board was authorised pursuant to Section 71 (1) no. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) to acquire and redeem treasury shares of the Company of up to 10 percent of the share capital without the redemption or its implementation requiring a further resolution of the general meeting. On the basis of this authorisation, the Company had acquired 377,144 no-par value bearer shares of the Company on the stock exchange by 8 May 2020. Using the authorisation reproduced above, the Executive Board had resolved on 30 September 2020, with the approval of the Supervisory Board on the same day, to reduce the share capital of the Company from € 14,678,160.00 by € 350,000.00 to € 14,328,160.00. Accordingly, 27,144 no-par bearer shares remained in Energiekontor's possession from this share buyback.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor sells wind farm in Jülich East

Bremen, 4 June 2021 - Energiekontor AG announces the sale of a wind turbine in Jülich East, north-west of the Garzweiler open-cast mine in North Rhine-Westphalia. The wind turbine was acquired by a project company of NEW Re GmbH, which in turn is a subsidiary of NEW AG for regenerative energies. NEW AG is a municipal utility company with strong roots in the Lower Rhine region.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor: Private placement of a smaller shareholding of the company founders Günter Lammers and Dr. Bodo Wilkens

Bremen, 8 June 2021. The two founders and major shareholders of Energiekontor AG (ISIN DE0005313506), Günter Lammers and Dr. Bodo Wilkens, have each sold 200,000 shares in Energiekontor AG, i. e. a total of 400,000 shares, which corresponds to a total of 2.8 percent of the share capital, to several institutional investors in a private placement. The free float of Energiekontor AG increases to 34.2 percent as a result of this transaction. The two company founders remain anchor shareholders of Energiekontor AG and now each own 25.2 percent of the company's shares. First Berlin Securities Brokerage acted as placement agent in this transaction.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor commissions Hanstedt-Wriedel wind farm

Bremen, 30 June 2021. In June, the six wind turbines of Energiekontor's Hanstedt-Wriedel wind farm were successively commissioned and have since been feeding the electricity generated into the grid.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor sells Jülich Barmen-Merzenhausen wind farm to CEE Group

Bremen/Hamburg, 5 July 2021. Energiekontor AG announces the sale of a wind farm located west of Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia. The purchaser of the wind farm is the CEE Group, a Hamburg-based asset manager specialising in renewable energies.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor presents report on wind farm optimisation and offers know-how on the market

Bremen 13 July 2021. In the "Report Wind Farm Optimisation 2016-2020" published today, Energiekontor reviews the impact of optimisation measures in the Own Farm Segment over the last five years. According to the report, 2% additional yield p. a. and more than 20% cost reductions have been achieved across all wind farms. At the same time, Energiekontor AG announces that it will also be offering its optimisation know-how to external wind farms in the form of holistic wind farm management as a service starting today.

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01. January 1970

Successful business performance in the first half-year

Bremen, 13 August 2021 - Energiekontor can look back on a successful first half of 2021 overall. Key targets were achieved or exceeded. Only an extraordinarily weak wind half-year prevented even better Group figures.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor sells Stopfenheim solar park to Stadtwerke Heidenheim AG - group of companies

Energiekontor AG has sold the Stopfenheim solar park with a total output of around 7.5 MW to the Stadtwerke Heidenheim AG group of companies.

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01. January 1970

Energiekontor stays on its growth path with a further increase in earnings

Bremen-based project developer Energiekontor AG publishes its 2016 annual results Bremen, 11 April 2017. Energiekontor AG has once again achieved a considerable increase in earnings in the 2016 financial year. While Group revenue increased by 5 percent to EUR 201.8 million (previous year: EUR 191.3 million), consolidated income before taxes (EBT) climbed nearly 20 percent to EUR 35.5 million (previous year: EUR 29.7 million). At EUR 25.3 million, consolidated net income (previous year: EUR 20.9 million) saw a year-on-year increase of 21 percent.

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01. January 1970

Warburg Research publishes first research report on Energiekontor AG

Coverage initiated with Buy recommendation and price target of EUR 19.00 Bremen, 1 March 2017. Yesterday, Warburg Research, a fully-owned subsidiary of the private bank M. M. Warburg in Hamburg, initiated its coverage of Energiekontor AG. In his comprehensive research report, the analyst, Arash Roshan Zamir, recommends the Energiekontor shares as a Buy with a price target of EUR 19.00 and 21 percent upside.

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